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Delete Fake Facebook Account 2021 | How To Delete Fake Facebook I'd Hindi

Toh Whatsup Guys,

Aaj mei aplogo apne website JAHIDTECH.COM par batane wala hu ki ap kis tarah se Fake Facebook Account ko Report karke delete kar sakte ho.... Is wali trick ko sikhne ke liye apko niche di gayi video ko dekhna hoga... Ap agar niche wali FULL VIDEO dekh lete ho toh apki jo fake facebook account bani hai wo delete hojaygi....

Tutorial Video:👇🏻

What is Fake Facebook account?

A fake account is an account where someone is pretending to be something or someone that doesn't exist. Fake accounts can include accounts for fake or made up people, pets, celebrities or organizations. To report a fake account:
  1. Go to the profile of the fake account.
    • If you can't find it, try searching for the name used on the profile or asking your friends if they can send you a link to it.
  2. Click  under the cover photo and select Find Support or Report Profile.
  3. Follow the on-screen instructions for fake accounts to file a report.

How To Report Fake Facebook I'd?

If you have a Facebook account and want to report a profile or Page:  

  1. Go to the profile or Page of the impersonating account.  
    • If you can't find it, try searching for the name used on the profile or Page or asking your friends if they can send you a link to it.
  2. Click below the cover photo.
  3. If you're reporting a Page, select Find Support or Report Page. If you're reporting a profile, select Find Support or Report Profile.
  4. Follow the on-screen instructions for impersonation to file a report.

What is Facebook Report?

Facebook researchers last year assembled a study of the "worst of the worst" hate speech content on the company's platform and made recommendations for how to curtail it, according to a Washington Post report published on Sunday.

But Facebook officials, afraid "the new system would tilt the scales by protecting some vulnerable groups over others" and concerned about "the potential for backlash from 'conservative partners,'" decided against implementing those recommendations, according to the Post.

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Details: The researchers asked thousands of Facebook users in 2019 to rank a series of abusive posts, and respondents, even white conservatives, consistently found those aimed at minority groups to be the most harmful.

  • Examples of the "worst of the worst" postings included obscene sexist and racist comments aimed at the progressive Democratic representatives known as "the Squad."

  • Yet, the report found, Facebook's automated hate-speech detection algorithm tended to "aggressively [detect] comments denigrating white people more than attacks on every other group," per the Post.

  • The researchers recommended retuning the system to flag and delete hate speech targeted at Black, Jewish, LGBTQ, Muslim and mixed-race people, since the survey found those posts to be "the worst of the worst."

    Yes, but: Facebook leadership rejected the plan and stuck to the company's "politically neutral" stance.

  • In a statement to the Post, Facebook spokesman Andy Stone said the company had implemented parts of the report's recommendations, but after a rigorous internal discussion about these difficult questions, we did not implement all parts as doing so would have actually meant fewer automated removals of hate speech."

  • The big picture: Facebook's content moderation policies have been in the media spotlight after a trove of documents from whistleblower Frances Haugen chronicled a variety of harms to users.

    Facebook Reporting Materials

    E-mail :

    Subject : Requesting For Delete An Account

    Copy This For Description:

    Hello Facebook Team,

    This person is created a fake profile of mine and making me disrespect. I am very disturbing from this now. Please delete this account as soon as possible.

    My Real Profile Link : 

    Fake Account link :

    Please review and remove that fake account as soon as possible.

    Thank You,

    Your Name

    How Facebook Report Works?

    The rumor is apparently such a ~thing~ that actual royal experts are being asked about it. While getting a definitive answer to a question like this a huge long shot (unless Prince Harry decides to include an AMA-style section in his upcoming memoir), experts aren't totally ruling it out. According to British journalist Jonathan Sacerdoti, the idea of the Queen secretly having a private Facebook account is possible because she's actually very tech savvy—especially since the pandemic forced her to go digital with more and more meetings and engagements.
    "There’ve been reports that the queen has a secret Facebook account, which I can’t quite believe [because] she is 95 years old," Sacerdoti told Us Weekly. "So, I have trouble sometimes with new technology, but she seems completely able to pick these things up. We saw her during lockdown with all the Zoom calls and the video calls. And now, since her health’s been not quite as good as it was in the past, she’s been doing more [appearances] that way. And now we find out about the Facebook account. It’s extraordinary to think how readily and easily she picks up these new technologies."


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